Kenya | AA Ngurueri - Embu County
Cup characteristics: Subtle Plum, Caramel, Panna Cotta
Process | Washed
Varietal | Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
MASL | 1700 - 1800
Ngurueri Coffee Factory is situated in the most picturesque landscape over-viewing the valley where Mount Kenya National Park begins in Embu County. It's about 18kms from the mountain itself. 140km north of Nairobi, you will find the factory sandwiched between the elegant Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare ranges, putting it at a vantage point of better production.
Ngurueri Factory is dressed with red-volcanic soil that infuses it with all the mineral and organic goodness necessary for optimum production. It experiences an annual rainfall of 1,100mm at 1760m above sea level. In addition it enjoys cool temperatures of 12-26°C.
Coffee farming in Embu goes back far into Kenya's colonial past, but many members of the Coop still rely on additional economic and agricultural activities for their livelihoods.